Menopause Myth PDF guide free download. This is my story. It’s messy, confusing, sad, somewhat funny, and all in all strange. It supposedly started when I was nineteen. I began to get hot and cold flushes all the time, I’d sit near the window in case I went up in flames. (yes, you may be imagining my clothes going up in smoke and me running around waving my arms trying to get rid of the flames or the vampires on vampire diaries dying from flames, but not quite.) I would wear shirts that had room for air, and generally I’d tough it out in jeans (bad move). People joked, “maybe you’re going through menopause?!” I joked about it too. That was until I stopped getting my period. It was three going on four months without a period, and I started to wonder what was wrong. I knew I wasn’t pregnant. (my mum would’ve killed me!) so, after much debate about how much I hate going to the doctors, I went. They asked me all sorts of questions, ‘did I have excess hair growing on my chin, did I get pain when on my period, was I one the pill, did I take a pregnancy test?’