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Innocent Words That Make Her Horny (PDF Ebook Download)

Innocent Words That Make Her Horny (PDF Ebook Download Full Version). I’m always surprised at the number of questions we get about how to get a new woman back to your place. Most of these questions come from great guys that logically should have much more success with women. And for the most part, the questions are basically asking: “I’ll be in the middle of a conversation with a girl and I’ll think everything is going great. Occasionally, I’ll get her phone number or possibly a kiss and that’s about it. A short while later, I’ll see her making out or even going home with another guy. What am I doing or saying wrong? And how can I bring her home?“

This is how REAL PROS do it (and how you should too). Men are very visual creatures and are turned on by what they see. Women are much more turned on by what they think and they imagine. This is why books like 50 Shades of Grey continue to sell so well. So when you’re able to use your words to paint the kind of picture in her mind that is sexually attractive, you’ll be able to force her brain to imagine getting undressed and under the covers with you. And the quicker she begins to fantasize about sleeping with you, the quicker she’s going to want to experience it firsthand.

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