Worlds Best Head (PDF Ebook Download) full version. Today I want to go over a question that comes up often with a lot of my readers: Jennifer asks... "I need help! My boyfriend has always had a very high sex drive and it gets pretty difficult when it's my time of the month. I want to please him, but this is always a pretty difficult time for me. Any ideas of how I can handle it?" Jennifer - and the tons of other women asking this question (or a variation of it). Here's my answer: It really depends... It depends what you're in to, and what he's in to. Some people are shy or embarrassed even thinking about being intimate, while others are perfectly okay with it...
Some people take a shower together and keep the lights down low... While other women simply decide that for these few days out of the month that she is out of commission altogether, and their man will just have to wait... Whatever your preference is, there is one thing you can do that will keep him completely and totally satisfied... In fact, when you do this one thing the right way he's going to get excited whenever you say that it's "your time of the month"... And when you do this one thing well, you're going to notice him becoming closer and more drawn to you. So what is this ONE THING? Just click on the link below to find out for yourself.