Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint by Tony Gentilcore & Dean Somerset PDF ebook download (plus videos). This morning I gave running a chance. My hip was feeling pretty good, and I thought now or never. These past 2 weeks have been hard. I’m tired of being on the “sidelines” and off of running. I would just like to be healthy and stay healthy. It’s a hard thing to stomach; knowing that you are not as young as you once were. Your body might not move as gracefully like it once did. I have also learned that if I want to continue to run I need to make the time to do the little things for my body. I need to focus on my core, hips, cross training, and build the little, but still important stabilizing muscles. Running isn’t about brute force and power. When I was weight lifting, it was about power, get the weight up and put it back down (form still matters). Running demands a lot from the body and at a younger age we can get away with more; but now I feel like I’m starting to see I need to focus on the little things as much as the big things. I think i’m at the point where I need to build on my stabilizing muscles, stretch, cross train, and not worry as much about the miles in shoes but how strong my overall body is for running. The miles will come, and I think I pushed to hard for this last half marathon. I’m paying the price now and it’s a expensive price. Every day there are new lessons to learn, and I’ve spend the past few days, thinking about the questions and searching for the answers. I may not like the answers but rather than be mad, i need to see everything from a different perspective and find the value of each lesson presented.
Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint by Tony Gentilcore & Dean Somerset