Freak Muscle by Eric Johnson and Ryan Johnson training program download. Even contemplating it makes me nervous. However, I have decided that it is time to start a bulk. At my most recent meet (a few weeks ago) I woke up 1.3kg under my weight class after a gentle water manipulation and even had a small breakfast on the drive to the weigh in! At 5’9″ I would likely benefit from an increased muscle mass and no doubt the extra fuel would help me to smash my next program. Now bulking to some people may mean a free for all where they can stuff their face with anything they feel like. But as someone who has struggled with cycles of restrictive eating and binging I would rather keep it relatively clean and maintain some control. My plan is to up my intake by around 200kcal of ‘clean’ carbs on lifting days for the hypertrophy block of my program and see how my body responds. I am already consuming 150-200g of lean protein a day so for the time being this shall remain the same. Although the idea of bulking is causing me some discomfort I am excited to see how my lifting progresses and hoping for some lean muscle gains. I’ll keep you updated on my progress..